The SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth thReats (TRIGGER) Project was launched with a three-day kick-off meeting at the University of Bologna and will be ongoing during 4 years and a half.
TRIGGER is a multidisciplinary project that involves 22 partners from 15 different countries who will be collaborating to uncover and comprehend the linkages between climate change, human health, and ecosystems. It is one of the 6 European-funded projects from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) that form the Climate Change and Health Cluster, and who collectively aim to generate new knowledge and unveil innovative solutions to promote health of citizens of all ages and increase societal and policy impact of Horizon Europe.
September 14th to 16th the 22 project consortium members met at the University of Bologna to kick-off the project and start their journey together. With this face-to-face meeting, partners shared views and presented their roles in the project. Work Package (WP) leaders presented their approaches, and together with the rest of the consortium identified ways to align with other WPs and defined the next steps for reaching both common and individual objectives.